Surface Pro & Windows Blue

For those of you in the UK who have been waiting for the Surface Pro to come out this year have finally been attended to, by Microsoft announcing a release date of the end of May. Among it’s Specs is the notable i5 3317U Ivy Bridge processor optimized for low power consumption which makes it the ideal candidate for work in any form of transportation and light usage at Home. Among recent news of this device is the fact that the operating system takes up a staggering amount of space leaving less storage available for the user. It is important to note that the Storage of such devices will be low, because of the footprint that the OS will have on the device which is also a problem shared with the MacBook Air. Howver the solution to this impossible situation my friends, is merely moving the recovery partition to a USB Flash Drive thus reducing the amount of space used by the OS.

Windows Blue 8.1

Microsoft are getting set to release an update of the mildly successful Windows 8 and are prepared to make some concessions regarding the usability of the operating system. A starting point that most people will enjoy is the alleged re-introduction of the Start button to satisfy a portion of the fan base who were not entirely happy with’s removal.  The update is set to introduce optimizations into the OS enabling it to cater to 7 & 9 inch tablets and Microsoft sets to expand into the realm of enhanced usability, a growing market that has seen some success with Android and Apple’s latest tablet offerings.

Author: Kingsmin1994

Someone who likes to obtain various information across many different fields.

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