Nikon AW1: Taking pictures with the fishes

Nikon has decided the to embark on an adventure that Sony inevitable started in recent memory with the introduction of the Xperia Z1, an electronic device capable of being used underwater to a certain degree. Although there will be inevitable be manufacturers that offer similar capabilities with their cameras, Nikon has gone an extra step further by providing a mirror-less, interchangeable camera that is waterproof of up to 49 feet, the camera is also shockproof and freeze-proof.

Nikon has also introduced various features such as built-in GPS, an altimeter, depth gauge, electronic compass, and horizon indicator. The photographic capabilities are under-par when it comes to different  mirror-less cameras due to the CX camera format. It’s photography may prove to be better than traditional point and shoot waterproof cameras due to the fact that it still has a larger sensor then most waterproof cameras. The Nikon AW1 with 11 – 27.5mm lens will be available in October for $799.99.  Even the lens are waterproof etc, clearly if you like to go through rough conditions to take a decent picture then this may be the camera for you.