Total War: Rome 2

A new game is on the table for the Total War series and The Creative Assembly is currently developing the next game for us lucky gamers which is due to be released in October of this year, the game will focus on the Roman Republic which allow players to transform it into the the Roman Empire if they so desired. The game requirements will most likely be the same for Total War: Shogun 2 but it is not known at this point.

Roman Soldiers

The game is supposed to have a larger campaign map then the first Rome and it will feature new territories which will go further East. A new graphics engine will power the visuals of this game and the camera will have the ability of focusing on individual soldiers in the battlefield which may possible contain thousands of combatants at a time. Creative Assembly has made it clear that they wish to portray a human side to the game in a way which will reflect the true horrors of war, thus reactions of comrades dying and officers giving heroic speeches will also be included.

Creative Assembly will follow what Shogun 2 started by prompting the player with decisions and expanding upon it, with each decision leading the player down a certain path according to the players decisions. These decisions will affect the way the campaign is played and will have real world effects. Another cool feature is that Generals and Family members aren’t the only ones who can gain traits any more but Legions will also be able to gain traits as they increase their combat experience. It is also useful to know that you will be able to build entire legions at a time by selecting a weapon loadout, something that was missing in the older Titles.

Navies will also return in Rome 2 in a much more important fashion then what we are used to, Creative Assembly intends to in implement mixed naval and land combat for land battles and city sieges for the first time. This will reflect the naval strategies of the classical era when coastal cites were easily and destroyed massive invasions of infantry disembarking from warships. Legions can now attack the enemy’s ground forces and cities, while naval units provide supporting fire. Although some of the features are awfully familiar, such as conquering cities with navies that had army units on board which is something that is extensively used in Shogun 2. Naval units are planned to be even bigger then before so that the player can build a strong navy much more quickly.Jack Lusted, the Creative Assembly’s lead unit designer, has stated that instead of a rebel nation of the original Rome, there will instead be a large number of smaller nations and city states such as Macedonia. Each ethnic group will have a unique playstyle. For example a tribe of British barbarians will play differently from a disciplined Roman legion plus different agents and technologies will be implemented for different factions. Each technological achievement will be assigned according to history to maintain the authenticity of the game .

The diplomacy system is said to be revamped with better artificial intelligence so that various anomalies such as smaller states declaring war on a bigger state will not happen, as such a thing can be classified as suicide. The enemy AI will also be influenced with the decisions that you make, such as being a trustworthy ally or a suspicious traitor. Everything about the previous titles that came before this game is expected to be revamped greatly and Rome 2 should mark a new beginning for the company. You can expect me to be there if they’re any more updates regarding Rome 2 and keep in touch to be updated with mind-blowing info.