Legend of Zelda Wind Waker HD – Outset Island – #1

A sister kidnapped. A hero awakened. An ocean full of adventure awaits.
This is my play-through on one of the best games to drop on the Wii U so far. Tune in to hear potential commentary throughout the series, especially when fighting bosses

Partnered with RPM Entertainment

A few of you may know that I am maintaining a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming alongside this blog, well it turns out that I have just been partnered! This means that you will be able to find my videos more easily and is indicator of the success that I am experiencing! Albeit my views are quite low, hopefully with this partnership I can generate more views! So sign up and subscribe if you want to stay tuned with what I have to offer!


Check out my YouTube Channel

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DmC: Devil May Cry (Reboot) Review


The initial response to Dante’s major aesthetic and design overhaul from regular gaming and die-hard fans was understandably negative, especially in regards to the fact that the Classic Dante was such an icon going as far to have its own niche fanbase. With just one short stage of having the Capcom HQ up in flames, it was also revealed that the slaughter of Dante’s image was ordered from the top echelons of the company. This made sense, seeing if the series was going to be successfully rebooted it had to be visually different in every single way compared to the older iterations of the Devil May Cry series. With this in mind, let us step forth into what made this game different from the others that came before it.

The story and the plot of the game was refreshing to say the least, offering something fundamentally different that was has been traditionally accepted as the proper background of the Devil May Cry universe. An example of this would be how Dante was now not only the Son of Sparda but he was also the son of an Angel mother, Eva. At first I started hyperventilating and started to ponder if the reboot had singlehandedly destroyed the Devil May Cry series. Surprisingly, the story started to get better as you progress throughout the game, with numerous encounters with exotic demons in the visually stricken world of Limbo. It would take a lot of the year to describe the visuals of Limbo but it would do the game Justice to say that this game is probably the most visually appealing action game after Devil May Cry 4. Instead of the static background that dominated the earlier games, the reboot takes advantage of using the Unreal Engine to provide extensive manipulation to the background and make it more fluidly exciting for the gamer. The game itself was quite original albeit predictable, and provided a fresh break from the earlier way of Story Telling. The dialogue contains quite a bit of profanity which aids the game in establishing its own Identity, the humor might not be shared with all gamers but the scripts way of portraying the personality of Dante and his counterparts was well executed.


The gameplay takes a different approach in way the combat is performed, instead of different styles and separate weapons Dante now has Angelic and Demon modes which invoke different weapons. The Demon mode involves hard-hitting slow attacks capable of breaking through the enemies defenses and the Angelic mode involves light but fast and fluid attacks. This allows a Seamless integration of combo’s and allows the gamer to have a much easier time when stringing together combos. Some may argue that this makes the game too easy and forfeits the Pro aspect of the Devil May Cry series. Personally, I believe this to be true, Ninja Theory allowed Dante to have a limited range of combo’s which takes about 50% of the fun out of the game and what was left in the game was far too easy to perform and was quite underwhelming. Another gripe that I continually encountered with the game was the lack of the lockon function, far too often I found myself shooting at brick walls whilst the warm embrace of an enemy axe was far too close to my face for comfort. Although this is not really a game breaker, it certainly affects the way the game is played and could be fixed if there happens to be a future installment. The AI of the enemy was horribly embarrassing and horribly annoying at the same time, it was far to easy to hack the smaller enemies to pieces and to overpower the larger ones, their attacks are not as frequent as you would expect from demons and their choice of moves isn’t something to write home about. Although this issue is largely fixed in Son of Sparda mode.

Final Thoughts

The reboot of the series has surpassed the expectations that was initially supposed to receive and left its own mark on the Devil May Cry series. However, people who like a challenge may be not be so intrigued with the game and may have to look towards something else. If you really like this game, you could always play the game once and then try Son of Sparda mode which provides much more greater challenge.